
How to increase customer engagement in a B2B space

For me customer engagement is the making of a long term relationship between your brand and your customer, by constant flow of two way communications. In other words, it’s the actions you take for making a customer believe in your product/service; moving away from the transaction based approach to focus on building long term loyalty […]


Nine golden ways to increase referrals

There may have been several advances in the tactics used for marketing a product or a service. But none is as effective as the most ancient one – marketing by referral, which breaks all marketing barriers even in this advanced day and age. Wondering how? Referring from one person to another, without the involvement of advertisers, outside the arena of sales people, referrals recommendations can be quite convincing to potential customers. […]


Three quick fixes to build customer rapport

Why don’t we have loyal customers? This is a serious question which every business comes across when the going get though. It so happens that your answers are right in front of you, but you need look at the situation with a different perspective. Building customer loyalty should be a well planned process. However, I have outlined few quick fixes which may help you build some kind of rapport with your customer base. […]

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Marketing to teens – Five key points

You don’t need a marketing consultant to tell you that the teenager market is a big market. I have outlined five key points to be considered while you are investing your marketing dollars for the teen market. Do keep in mind that quality marketing endeavours will require time, determination, and a good budget. […]