15 Marketing Tips for Finding New Customers

All companies fear instability and the possibility of a severe market downturn. However it is during these periods when the best companies show something better than simple survival skills. Downturn separates out the bad and mediocre, as a result leaving fewer companies standing in good stead to carve up the market when things get good again. So let’s talk about a new and different way to seek new and different customers.

These fifteen tips are really quite simple yet are so often missed. Pass the tips on. Better yet, put them in practice and be ready to handle the endless stream of new customers.

Tip 1
Develop partnerships for your business. First, tally up all your marketing assets of what you can offer to a potential partner in terms of exposure. Find a niche that you can own. Assign yourself or someone else to develop these partnerships. Make sure you nurture your relationships as it may take anywhere from 3 months to 1yearly to finalize a partnership.

Tip 2
Get your own Blog such as: www.wordpress.com Use a blog to promote your product/service, your e-news, your website. Some people have personal blogs. Just remember when you write that it is like putting it on TV.

Tip 3
Develop referral sources – these are warm to hot people who have used your services or they know what you are capable of.

Tip 4
Join LinkedIn or other social/professional networks – ask me for an invite to my network at LinkedIn.

Tip 5
Develop partnerships for your products or services. This could be affiliates or vendors or other people that you do business with.

Tip 6
Adopt a cause marketing partner – these are not-for-profit groups or causes. It will help the both of you tap into markets or customers you would not have gotten on your own.

Tip 7
Establish a Seal of Endorsement – Give Awards or Sponsor an award. This is get your business/brand out there.

Tip 8
Be an authority in your field. Create a special unique name for yourself. Be known. Write a report or White paper. Submit these frequently to local newspapers and magazines. Send a press release to the media – brag about yourself or someone else

Tip 9
Be on a board or an association committee. These are great referral sources for your good work.

Tip 10
Show off yourself. List your media exposure, articles that have been published. Awards that you have received or sponsored.

Tip 11
Teach the local community members by using your expertise or something that you are passionate about. This will enable you to build a prospect list for the future.

Tip 12
Write a hand written note to your customers just to say Thank you. Extend this practice further by sending hand written messages to everyone you meet at events.

Tip 13
Get Testimonials – make sure they are specific, verifiable and impressive.

Tip 14
Raise your prices – so often we under price ourselves.

Tip 15
Up sell your present customers – by offering more product or services you offer. Or partner up with a non-competing business share your offers. Make sure you include a note in the up sell offer for present customers to refer friends and family to your business.

Keep in mind that the time you focus on your present customers will allow you to attract new customers with ease. Sometimes the all attractive next new customer is right in front of you! All you need to do if follow-up, stay engaged, and build on the relationship you have already created.

Chintan is the Founder and Editor of Loyalty & Customers.

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